1. Compatibility with other resins

  2. GreenBond™ E-0 adhesives are compatible with urea-formaldehyde resins and facilitate the cleaning of the equipment in case of changing of the binder.

    Given the fact that GreenBond™ and UF (MUF) adhesives also exhibit good cohesive and adhesion properties when mixed, new technically interesting possibilities can open up, which are in compliance with regulations and directives, in terms of optimizing glue compositions in economic and technical terms so that it is tailored to the given area of application, e.g. by adding GreenBond™ as a "formaldehyde absorber".

    You can also shorten, for example, the pressing time for "thick" boards, adding to the GreenBond™ E-0, less PMDI than the standard amount currently used in the production of wood-based panels.

  3. Storage temperatures

  4. GreenBond™ E-0 adhesives retain adhesive strength even at temperatures well below solidification point. And so, during the test the binder froze but after thawing new boards were made with it, without the loss of parameters. Low temperature does not affect the properties of the adhesive.

  5. Durability

  6. The durability of GreenBond™ P2 glue is based on a long term study which ran over the period of 8 months*. The glue should be mixed before use.

  7. Pressing time and pressing temperature

  8. Compared to the previously known results of technical applications of binding agents containing proteins, GreenBond™ adhesive is characterized by high reactivity, as measured by the possible pressing times. Thanks to the unique composition of natural raw materials, thermal bonding can take place under the pressure of less than 10 seconds per 1 mm of thickness of the board. The condensation process begins at 100° C, which is comparable with the condensation of UF resin.

    * The glue is not designed for long storage but for immediate use after production. Storage requires the use of biostabilizing agents.