The condition under which raw materials can be used in our formulas is that they do not upset the ecological balance and can be renewed in a short period of time. It is also crucial that the raw materials are not classified as poisonous or that they are classified as CMR free, i.e. are not carcinogenic or mutagenic (toxic for reproduction).
A considerable part of our raw materials are by-products of the food and processing industry, and therefore they are harmless to living organisms, and because these raw materials are derived from large industrial processes, they are available in sufficient quantities to produce the binder according to the formulas of the SESTEC© group.
The binder is completely biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
GreenBond™ adhesives are prepared at room temperature so there is no need to provide additional energy to the reactors as in the case of MUF resins. This significantly reduces CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. In the case of P2 glue by almost 90% and in the case of P3 glue, the figure is equally significant and amounts to about 78% reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
In the case of glue production for the whole wood processing industry only in Europe, this gives a reduction of emissions of over 170,000 tons per year, provided the use of natural gas as a source of heat. When fossil fuels are used, such as coal, the emission reduction is over 560,000 tons per year !!!